Bite Battles: Cream-O-Potato Soup

Bite Battles: Cream-O-Potato Soup by Custom Taste

During chilly times such as these, who would not enjoy a warm bowl of soup while relaxing in their favourite chair. However most of us would not want to leave the warmth of our homes to go and get a can of soup from the store and then come home and make it. By the time it was ready we would not really be to keen on eating it now. Therefore, we came up with this Cream-O-Potato soup that can easily be made with ingredients that cane be fond in many homes so you will never have to leave the house! Not to mention no added sodium, fake foods and ingredients that we can't even begin to pronounce, so it is a great comfort food that will also be kind to your body.

Shopping List
  • 2 Cups Potato
  • 3 Cloves Garlic (1 tbsp minced)
  • 1 Cup Goat Milk
  • 2 Cups Water
  • 1/2 Cup Onion
  • 2 TSP Olive Oil
  • 1 TSP Cumin
  • 1 TBSP Black Pepper
  • 1 TBSP Corn Flour

Medium sized pot
Pot lid
Stir spoon
Garlic press
Chopping knife
Cutting board
Measuring cup, TSP and TBSP
Medium sized mixing bowl
Slotted spoon

Time 1 Hour and 5 Minutes
Prep 10 Minutes
Cook 48 Minutes
Yield 2 Cups/4 Servings

Bite Battles: Cream-O-Potato Soup by Custom TasteTime To Get Cooking!!!
Wash and scrub potatoes well under hot water. If you would like to peel them go ahead and do so
Bite Battles: Cream-O-Potato Soup by Custom TasteCut potatoes into medium sized cubes
Rinse throughly with warm water
Soak the cubed potatoes in 2 cups water and 1 cup milk in the mixing bowl
Set off to the side and let soak for 30 minutes
Mince garlic using your garlic press or 
Dice onion
Mix together pepper, cumin and corn flour
Bite Battles: Cream-O-Potato Soup by Custom TasteSaute onions and garlic for about 3 minutes, until the onions begin to yellow
Scoop out potato peices and add to pot
Bite Battles: Cream-O-Potato Soup by Custom TasteSautee for 5 minutes, until potatoes begin to soften and brown
Sprinkle half the seasoning onto the mixture
Be rough with the potatoes to break them up, don't mash but don't be gentle either
Pour milk and water mixture from mixing bowl into the pot
Bring up to a boil for 5 minutes
Bite Battles: Cream-O-Potato Soup by Custom Taste
Mix if you need to keep it from boiling over
Lower temperature, cover and let simmer for 20 minutes
Make sure to mix every once in awhile to make sure the potatoes to not stick to the pot
Remove cover add in the remaining spice mix and let simmer for 15 more minutes uncovered
Stir occasionally so soup does not stick to the pot
Once done, remove pot from stove and let cool
When the mixture is cooled store in a glass container

Store in fridge for at least 2 months. (we still have some, so when we know for sure how long it will last we will update.)

Mix together a 1/2 cup of condensed soup with a 1/2 cup water. Bring to a boil for 5 minutes. Take off heat, serve and enjoy!

Nutrition Comparison Per Serving(condensed)

Our Recipe Campbell's Difference(our recipe) 

Cost Comparison

Our Recipe Campbell's Difference(our recipe) 
Recipe Cost$1.53$1.63-$0.10
Cost Per Serving$0.61$0.65-$0.04

What isn't in our version
Modified food starch, butter, salt, Monosodium Glutamate (a.k.a MSG), Vegetable oil made of corn, cottonseed, canola and/or soybean oils, soy protein concentrate, yeast extract, flavouring or citric acid. As well as no dehydrated whey, onion or potatoes.

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