My Hiatus

I started a new job you all!! I am lucky to have the chance to work from home for a great gaming company and I have been on a 5 day a week 8 hr a day training schedule. So when I have down time, I take it. Little by little I have been working on keeping this blog because I do love sharing my sometimes odd, sometimes normal recipes. I am just so not motivated to sit down and blog after 8 hours...of already sitting down. It has only been one full week and I am now forcing myself to get more organized and get on a schedule. I have so much to share from drink recipes to holiday recipes to some great holiday finds. If you did not know I did do a Guest Post for Blissful and Domestic as well as my most recent Crazy Ingredient Challenge post. So please check out both. I adore Danielle's blog and even have a full post dedicated to her wonderfulness coming soon and I love the CIC's because they not only encourage creativity but make me a better cook.
