1 Pumpkin of the large variety, minimal blemishes and no cuts*
Heavy Duty Dish Cloth or Cutting Board
Sturdy Chopping Knife
Blender, Food Processor, Stick Blender or Masher
Large (like really large) Mixing Bowl
Small Mixing Bowl
Large Baking Sheet( or 2)
Storage Containers or Zip Top Bags
Time 2 hours
Prep 15 minutes/ 15 minutes
Cooking 60-90 minutes
Yield 16 cups
*Disclaimer: SUPER MESSY!!!
Time to Cook!!!
Wash pumpkin throughly and dry well
Preheat oven to 375 degrees
Place pumpkin on cutting board or heavy duty cloth and acquire knife and hammer
Cut pumpkin in half
Cut one quarter off of one half
Set in oven for 60-90 minutes
Scrape the innards off into a mixing bowl of the quarter and cut into large chunks
Put in zip top bag(s) and place in freezer for later use
Take out of oven once pumpkin flesh is tender and the skin does not give once poked with a knife
Scrape innards into a mixing mixing bowl
Rinse, dry, place into zip top then set in freezer for later use
If using a blender or food processor add slowly or in batches depending on size
If using a masher or stick blender, well...get to work!
Voila, pumpkin puree! Just in time for the holidays
1/2 cup
Mix with almost anything or just use as a fruit and veggie dip
Storing and Reheating
Store in the fridge for 2-3 weeks or in the freezer for 10-12 months
Nutritional Facts
Per Serving
Calories 25
Carbs 6g
Fat 0g
Protein 1g
Compared to a popular used brand
Calories 60
Fat 1g
Protein 2g
Nutritional Difference (our recipe)
Calories -35
Carbs -3g
Fat -1g
Protein -1g
Recipe Cost $3.98
Cost per serving (1/2 cup)$0.24
Compared to a popular used brand
Product Cost on average* (15 oz): $5.25
Product cost per serving on average( 1/2 cup) : $1.33
You save on average: per serving $1.09
* prices will be skewed this because not only is 90% of the world's pumpkins owned by one company but there has been warning of pumpkin shortages. So get your pumpkins big and freeze so you can have them whenever a pumpkin craving occurs
*we used a large pumpkin for its yield size since we had planned ahead on how much we would need, however pumpkin does freeze very well so we were not worried. Also the smaller varieties are much sweeter than the larger so if you were wanting to use it for a savory dish the sweetness might be too overpowering. Leaving the seeds in helps to keep the pumpkin moist during the baking process
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