Ever since it was announced that Google Reader will be put to rest in July we have been trying hard to find a new website that we cannot only follow some of our favourite bloggers but for a place that our readers can follow us. We have decided on Bloglovin. So far we love the software platform, think twitter met your news reader and they had a baby. It is simple to follow your blogs, you get a better idea of what their newest post is and (this is a big one) you can simply import your already followed blogs from anywhere! So you won't have to worry about inputting each one in individually.
Bloggers, if you love your readers go and sign up now!
Readers, if you love your bloggers go and sign up now!
It is free and sign up was a snap! You only have 1 month and a half left!
You can either go to their website or click our follow button below!
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