Strawberry Chocolate Cupcakes

Strawberry Chocolate Cupcakes by Custom Taste
I whipped these cupcakes up as a treat for my Father's intimate wedding this past month. With strawberries being on sale almost everywhere in Austin I also decided to use them as a mid-bite surprise.  They were fluffy and super easy to make as well as can be eaten for breakfast or as a dessert. Top with Strawberry Cream Cheese Topping and you have a great guilt-free treat!

Shopping List
  • 6 large cleaned strawberries
  • 1 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
  • 1 Flag
  • 1 TSP Baking Soda
  • 2 TBSP Cocoa
  • 1 TBSP Honey
  • 1 TBSP Vinegar
  • 3/4 Cup Milk
  • Butter (to grease the muffin tins)
Two Mixing Bowls
Muffin Tin
Measuring Cup, TBPS and TSP
Time 30 Minutes
Prep 5 Minutes
Cook 20 Minutes
Yield 6 Cupcakes
Time To Get Baking!!!
Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees
Mix together your flag in a mini mixing bowl or cup (1 flag= 3 tbsp water to 1 tbsp flax meal)
Strawberry Chocolate Cupcakes by Custom Taste
While your flag is gelling mix together the flour, baking soda, and cocoa together
Add in the milk, honey, flag and vinegar
The mix will most likely fizz a little when the baking soda and vinegar interact
Grease your muffin tins
Fill each tin 3/4 of the way full with the mixture
Once the mix is in the tins add one strawberry to the middle of each muffin
Strawberry Chocolate Cupcakes by Custom Taste
Place in the oven for the 20 minutes
When time is up, remove from oven and let cool completely before removal
To easily remove run a butter knife around the edges of the muffin and it should pop right out
Frost* (or don't) and enjoy!
Strawberry Chocolate Cupcakes by Custom Taste
1 muffin per person

Storing and Reheating
Store in a container in the fridge for up to 1 week

Nutritional Information
Calories 127
Fat 3g
Carbs 20g
Protein 5g

Cost Information
Recipe Cost:$1.68
Cost Per Serving:$0.28

-If you are planning on frosting these make sure they are completely cooled before frosting
-If you have a cake pan that your muffin tin fits in use that when baking. It helps to create a more even baking

