The Meatless Lifestyle 07/01/13

Happy July everyone! I hope you have taken out stock in sunscreen and fans, we probably should have. Also, RIP Google Reader, you were great to us and will be sorely missed. However, thank you Bloglovin for coming to the scene and help to keep us up to date with each other. If you don't know what Bloglovin is check out this post and this post OR just to go, sign up and start following!

I am going to get into gear and really pushy myself to update everyday about the meatless lifestyle as well as get back on track with the rest of my blog. Little guy has been here for 2 weeks so it is time to get back to schedule. I think I started July off really well, so here the first day!

1/2 cup Kashi go lean cereal, 1/2 goat milk, 4 medium strawberries, 1 boiled egg and 2 tsp siracha sauce
Calories 295 Carbs 26g Fat 15g Protein 23g Fiber 8g

1 Homemade Black Bean Tortilla, 1 rice and bean burger, .5 oz queso fresco, 2 tsp naturally brewed soy sauce and 1/2 cup of organic cherries
Calories 217 Carbs 42g Fat 3g Protein 12g Fiber 14g

1/2 serving of these guys. They are sort of like crackers but made from lentil beans and are super delicious they were a random buy from Sprouts on our last shopping trip. They are pretty good, I only eat a small amount though because they are packed and I mean PACKED with flavour.
Calories 60 Carbs 8g Fat 3g Protein 3g Fiber 1g

6 butterflied oven roasted shrimp with 1/4 cup cooked cornmeal and a faux cheese sauce with mushrooms, tomatoes, butter, goat milk, nutritional yeast and onions. 
Calories 577 Carbs 76g Fat 15g Protein 44g Fiber 8g

I also got some exercise in with a walk around our apartment complex and cleaning. The belt for out (very old) vacuum came in, so I got to fix her up! I know I must be acting like the typical work-at-home wife, but seriously, our apartment needed that vacuum. Little guy is not the cleanest kid on the block and underneath our dining table looked like the after math of a cafeteria food fight. On the food note, I got my full daily need for protein, without eating animal meat. Now I know some of you might be thinking, "You ate shrimp, so that doesn't count." but that is just, like, your opinion man.
