Hi again! Meatless days are back, at least my so called diary is. Sorry for the huge lack of posting, I was busy with Mimas! If you don't know what that is, check out this post to see my exciting project!
Okay, so, I would just like to say I LOVE being meatless. No, I am not going to get on a pedestal and preach about anything. Honest. I love being meatless because I love food. So far I have found that I can eat a ton of great food, be full and still have enough left in my daily intake for more! Also, everything I am eating digests so much quicker than meat and it works with my body to keep me healthy. Today I maxed out on EVERYTHING. Yes, you read right everything! I got enough protein (thanks to my trusty nutritional yeast) and I got to eat one of my favourite burritos, plusidy, plus, plus! The past 3 days in Austin have been a total bummer, well the weather has. It has been overcast and raining constantly. So finding time to get active and make sure a 4 yr old is entertained has been no easy feat. Thankfully, there have been breaks so I can take him outside to dump trash, pick-up mail, splash around and get wet in our apartments "river". If you live in a small apartment with a small child who loves to be outdoors, you can understand how sad it is to see them staring blankly out a window while rain drops smash against it. It is suppose to let up in a day or so, but I will not hold my breath. Now, on to the foods!
I started out with a protein load. 1 boiled egg, 1 package Clif Crunch Peanut Butter Bar and artichoke tea. Wait! Artichoke tea? YES! You read right! My parents brought me awesome treats from Vietnam when they visited us back in May. Artichoke tea is so strange and so yummy. It smells and tastes like gingerbread! It is also really good for your digestive system and keeping your good cholesterol in check and it is caffeine free!
Calories 268 Carbs 27g Fat 14g Protein 10g Fiber 5g
I made Slow It Down Minestrone Soup 2 days ago and have been eating on it since then. I switch it up today and made it into a rice salad. 1/4 cup minestrone soup, 1/4 cup cooked rice, 1 TBSP soy sauce, lettuce and cucumber.Calories 147 Carbs 23g Fat 3g Protein 3g Fiber 2g
Snack( or 2nd lunch)
I was busy doing deep cleaning all day AND during the break in the rain LB and I took out the trash, checked the mail and let him run around outside in the puddles. So I got a pretty good on workout workout today. I have been on a taco kick (when am I not? Let's be honest) and Mr. CT brought home tacos from our FAVOURITE (well one of them) taco places. It is on his way home from work, so on his lunch break he picked up a few. Granted, they are the healthiest thing to eat but they don't break the bank, are fresh, and super yummy. I had their veggie loaded burrito a la carte w/ no cheese or sour cream.
Calories 410 Carbs 66g Fat 18g Protein 18g Fiber 8g
The best part of eating meatless and cooking at home? You're inner fat kid can come out! I was super full after this monstrous dinner and it pushed me to meet by protein requirement for the day. It also spawned a new recipe, I just love it when that happens. I had 2 small baked potatoes, 1 TBSP chooped onions, 1/4 cup sliced cucumbers, 1/2 cup lettuce. I made a sauce that tasted like nacho cheese, without the cheese! Thanks nutritional yeast! It consisted of; butter, milk, onion, garlic, bell pepper, nutritional yeast, carrots and some spices. It was yummy!
Calories 475 Carbs 81g Fat 10g Protein 20g Fiber 16g
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