The Meatless Lifestyle 08/03/13

First entry for August, woo! Getting closer to fall and I am so stoked! I love fall in Central Texas. Our environment it so diverse it is always pretty. Plus the weather is good enough for a t-shirt and shorts but not sweltering. LOVE IT! So being back from vacation/staycation I have to big back on track. I decided to start out with a lot of fruits, veggies and other easy (for me) to digest food. I also need to get back into a workout schedule. However, detox first and workout laters. Of course I am staying busy with yoga, blogging and deep cleaning. I LOVE CLEANING!! There I said it. I like chores, I can just see my mother rolling her eyes to that. It is true! Chores equal quietness, where you can sort out your own mind. So, I deep clean frequently. That stuff can be quite the workout as well. Here was my delicious day!

1/2 of a large banana, 1 cup of coffee, 1/2 cup of Kashi Go Lean, 1 boiled egg, a handful or large strawberries and  1/2 cup of almond milk
Calories 333 Carbs 40g Fat 14g Protein 22g Fiber 8g

A dump salad! 1 cup of romaine lettuce, 1/4 of a zucchini  chopped up, 1/2 of a tomato chopped up, 1 cup of cooked millet, 2 tsp honey, 1/2 tbsp soy sauce and a garbanzo bean burger

Calories 356 Carbs 66g Fat 5g Protein 22g Fiber 8g

The rest of my banana from breakfast. I like my bananas brown, what can i say?

1 cup of romaine lettuce, 1/2 a large roma tomato, sauteed onions, 2 over easy eggs, 1 baked potato, 1 oz sharp cheddar cheese, 1 tbsp greek olive dressing, and 1 tbsp italian dressing.

Calories 472 Carbs 42g Fat 13g Protein 7g Fiber 4g
