Due to the partial government shut down in the USA there are some areas in which we all need to be careful of. A major area is the food we buy and eat. The USDA has cut food inspections to almost nothing This means many heavily inspected and regulated foods can enter our country unsolicited and unchecked. These foods include many imported seafood and produce  as well as any frozen or cheap food of unknown provenances. This is just a quick summary of a Buzzfeed Food article and the full article can be found here.

Imported shrimp from Southeast Asia
Imported tilapia from China
Some imported farmed Atlantic Salmon from Chile
Any cheap, frozen fish that does not list an origin

Helpful tips
Be extremely careful when purchases any imported fruits or vegetables that you are planning to eat raw
ALWAYS wash, rinse and dry any produce you buy regardless of how it will be eaten
Make sure to cook thoroughly so you kill any bad bacteria
If you go to buy any shellfish buy local.
Do not eat any produce that has any visible signs of decay
ALWAYS keep a clean cooking area and preparation surfaces
If you go out to eat make sure to ask where the food is coming from. You can never be too helpful.
If you or anyone you begins to show signs of food poisoning or food related illness make sure to seek medical attention.

Even though these are helpful tips no matter what, they are especially important during this time. A good rule of thumb is if it looks suspicious or you can't find out where it came from don't buy it or eat it.

Keep healthy my friends!
