Having a Home Gym: In the beginning...

Wanting to start a new routine that involves MORE than just light cardio and plyometrics? Feeling a little intimidated by all the weightlifting accessories, machines, weights, and form? Maybe you're wanting to create your own home gym, but not sure where to start?

Even though I am a self-taught-aspiring- bodybuilder for barely a year, there are a few things I would love to be able to go back and change when it comes to the equipment I had at my disposable when I first started AND as I progressed.

First, let's take a look at what I started with

A [broken] Flat Bench

Adjustable Dumbbells

That.👏Was.👏 It. 👏

It worked out well for a few months, mainly while we were still living in an apartment. I could put the bench anywhere, pick up some dumbbells and do a variety of exercises. So if you have limited space or are just starting out I high recommend-at the very least-adjustable dumbbells. Matt had had these that I started out using since before we even met. If I could go back I would choose this kind instead. As for a bench, starting out with an adjustable one (are you seeing a pattern?) would have just added to the versatility of the workouts. With a, *broken* flat bench I was very limited on how many different ways I could position my body and move the weights since the support was lopsided.

One additional piece of equipment I also would have liked to have started out with would be a full set of cables.

If this is what you are starting with here are a few workouts that you can do to just get started or if you have limited space how to most effectively use what you have. If you have even less, modify! I will also give a few ideas along with that piece of equipment. At the very bottom you will find a pinnable to pin to pinterest (make sure to follow us) or print out  and keep with you. I will be posting one a week to keep things interesting. I know the worst part of working out with almost nothing is trying not to get bored. I feel for you. I am here for you.


  • Curl Variations
  • Tricep extensions
  • Rows
  • Chest Presses
  • Weighted lunges
  • Weighted Squats (either hanging or holding the weights on your shoulders)
Pull-up bar
  • Regular pull ups
  • (Depending on doorframe) weighted pull ups with leg weights
  • Eccentric [deficit] pull ups
  • Dips
  • Deficit push ups
Bench (other than dumbbell arm exercises)
  • Starfish crunches
  • Raised glute bridges
  • Elevated pushups
  • Step ups (use leg weights or hold dumbbells)
  • Bulgarian split squat with/or without dumbbells
Leg weights
  • Hamstring Curls
  • Kickbacks
  • Leg Raises

