I have been doing little vlog here and there as well as posting on a different (private and probably family/friends only) Insta account. I guess it would be nice to have out little story up until now written down and shared for any interested parties.
The Backstory: we've been together for 7 years and married for 6. We always wanted to have kids but no time felt "right". We loved being with each other and having the freedom (for the most part) to do whatever and whenever. Another big roadblock were finances and not really having long time jobs or long term living situations. Speed up to 2018. I had been working in education for 4 years and had a great and steady job that was incredibly cohesive with raising children. Matt was building his career and figuring out his long term goals. Our finances were where we wanted them to be and so we figured why not!? (side note: we did "try" for a few months in the fall of 2017, but never got pregnant for whatever reasons. We started using protection again because of the holidays and how busy the beginning of the year was going to be for me at work). Late March we stopped being "safe" and BAM! Pregnant.
Finding Out: outside of the usual "oh hey. My period is late!" there were a few other signs. Being out of breath was the earliest and the first one. After that followed fatigue and my little boobs (usually barely a "b cup") growing and bursting out of my normal bras. Good thing I was already converted to no underwire. We had always talked about taking a test in the past on a weekend morning so we could find out at our leisure and have the day together. HAH. Life is busy and practically, calling my doctor's office to set-up that "first view" was way more important. So on May 10th I woke up at 5am to take a test. Not even three minutes later we saw it.
A bright blue plus sign and the entire window wasn't even finished. It was a surreal experience since you always see or even expect the screaming and crazy emotions. Considering our excited is a little more downplayed even if we are crazy excited it went more like. "Oh wow. Babe. We're pregnant." Well, we were also 99.9% it would be positive so that might have been a reason to. This was extreme confirmation not a willy nilly "well lets see". We did wait a full week after my period was due and I had basically everything that would say yes.
Therefore, taking the test made me 5 weeks at the time (later I would find it was more like 5 weeks and 3 days). No actual visible signs outside of a food baby because my digestion was starting to slow.
So yeah, you guys can stop asking now. WE ARE HAVING A BABY! Baby H is due January of 2019 (even though we are hoping for late December 2018 😉) and we are crazy excited for this next chapter and a wildly new adventure.
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