With the New Year of 2017 in its infancy and the fact that I started to think about my resolutions in November, I have finally narrowed it down to 6 resolutions. Why 6 resolutions? Well I also have 6 goals, so you could say my numbers are symbolic considering 6+6=12 and there are 12 months in one year. I truly believe I can stick to these resolutions because they are actual resolutions.
What do you mean "actual resolutions"?
Well, when it comes to "New Year's Resolutions" many people tend to make goals and call them resolutions. Resolutions are changes that help you meet goals. Resolutions are plans that you set in place to make a change. The change is the goal. For example, losing 10 pounds is a goal. Why? Because you will know you lost weight since you can actually measure it. Resolutions (how many times will I say resolutions...) are changes in behaviour which can happen slowly and are more difficult to measure....because we measure them as goals. Is it confusing yet? A resolution (to the losing 10 pounds) would be I am going to drink more water daily. It is a habit that you can form which can help you achieve your goal of weight loss. Therefore, the weight loss (of whatever amount) is the goal, and drinking more water is the resolution. Does it kind of make sense now why people have such a hard time meeting or keeping up with their resolutions? Make sure you take a look at your own resolutions (if you made any) and differentiate between the resolutions and the goals. Are your resolutions more like goals? Well, make a plan to achieve the goals and there you have your resolutions!
Now on to my top 6!
01.See family and close friends at least once a month
This is probably one of the more board resolutions I have. Obviously seeing friends and family is important and since we would like to start our own family soon seeing these people is going to be something to strive for. Social media can replace actual interaction with people for so long. The visits can be anything, just as long as we do something.
02. Establish a workable exercise schedule
My biggest resolution, and goal, this year is to get healthy and stay with my newly found healthy habits that I totally busted my butt for last year. I have made huge strides recently and want to keep that up. What I mean by workable is a schedule that doesn't force me to forfeit something else. It is all about finding a balance.03. Better skin care routine.
I have minor rosacea and unless I can get a hold on it now, it will only get worse with age. My paternal family side has issues with skin cancer so a whole other reason to keep up with skin care. I have a ton of freckles, therefore sunscreen will definitely be happening when I am outside especially in the summer.
04.Get better at hydration.
I underestimate almost everyday how much water I drink. This has been a resolution almost every year and will always be one. I should be drinking at least 80 oz on an average day. Considering I am highly active and weightlifting meeting the 80 oz is so important.
Matt and I are coming up on 6 years together and almost 5 years of marriage. We have no full time children, yet, and we definitely need to be taking more advantage of that fact as we are getting closer to starting our own family. I would really like to make this a routine so if our status does change at least we would have made date night a routine.
06. Get better with the upkeep of my car.
My car is 6 years old and still in pretty good condition, but I definitely need to start taking better care of it if I want it (and still kind of need it) to last longer. Firs thing up is getting it serviced then inspected. I am going to try my best so make sure I clean it out at least once a week and make sure no trash piles up on my passenger side. It happens really fast considering I am the only that drives it and the only one who is really ever in it.
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